The CEDS courses are taught by a team of highly qualified professors, lecturers and experts in diplomacy and strategy, coordinated by Fouad NOHRA, Academic Director

Former Advisor to the Prime Minister (Lebanon)

University Professor (Lebanese University), Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Tourism

Lecturer at HEIP and at Paris-Cité University, former financial executive at Naftal (Sonatrach)

University Professor (Paris VIII), Honorary Director of the Maghreb Europe Laboratory

Bertrand LANG
Associate Professor at the Université Paris Cité

Former Russian diplomat

Coordinator at Amnesty International

Honorary Director of the NGO Department at the United Nations Economic and Social Council

Jean-Jacques PATRY
Project manager at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)

University Professor (Université Paris Cité)

Journalist, UN Human Rights Consultant, Expert on international organizations

Lecturer at INALCO

General, Former Director of the Center for Force Employment Doctrine

General of Gendarmerie (2S), Founder of the International Cybersecurity Forum

Bernard ZAHRA
Former Director of the Regional Institute of Administration, Former Director of the Directorate of Social Cohesion
- Ali ABDELGADIR: Academic Advisor of Embassy
- Souha AKIKI: Director of Paris Graduate School, Former Director of the Paris Campus of Schiller International University
- Jean-David AVENEL: University Professor, Director of the Administration and International Exchanges Department, Université Paris Est Créteil
- Isabelle BALOT: Expert for the UNDP and the European Commission
- Mokhtar BEN BARKA: University Professor, Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France
- Arnaud BENEDETTI: Associate Professor Sorbonne University
- Eugène BERG: Ambassador of the French Republic
- François BERNARD: Consultant expert in the promotion of Foreign Direct Investments, former member of the Board of Directors of Invest in Kazakhstan (under the authority of the Kazakh Prime Minister)
- Mustapha CHERIF: Professor at Algiers University, former Minister, former Chairman of the Longlife Education University of Algiers
- Pierre BERTHELOT: Program Director and teacher at the Catholic University
- Philippe BOULANGER: Professor of Universities, Paris Sorbonne University
- Serge BESANGER: Expert at the IMF and the WTO
- Carlos CARRASCO: Ambassador and former Minister of the Republic of Bolivia
- Raymond CARTER: Colonel, former intervention officer at the Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, former director of the International Police Task Force
- Pascal CHAIGNEAU: Professor Emeritus of Universities, Université Paris Cité, Director of the Geopolitics Center of HEC
- Nourdine CHERKAOUI:
Senior Partner, HAVAS Paris - Robin DEGRON: Conseiller référendaire à la Cour des Comptes, Associate Professor at the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
- Amir DHIA: Director General of University of Business and Technology, Jeddah
- Fatoumata DIALLO: Consultant and advisor on public security reform
- Daniel DORMOY: Professor emeritus of Universities, University of Paris Sud
- Alena DOUHAN: Professor of International Law, Belarus State University, Special Rapporteur on Unilateral Coercive Measures and Human Rights at the UN
- Derek EL ZEIN: Senior Lecturer at the Université Paris Cité
- Hassan FODHA: Ambassador, Honorary Director of the United Nations Europe Office
- Gabriel GALICE: President of the International Peace Research Institute in Geneva
- Thierry GARCIN: Former Program Director at Radio France
- Bénédicte GOLDSTEIN: Secretary of Foreign Affairs Deputy Spokesperson in charge of Asia and strategic, security and defense affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Andreï GRATCHEV: Former spokesman of president Gorbatchev
- Zahra ID AHMED: Lecturer at the University of Rennes
- Edmond JOUVE: Professor emeritus at the Université Paris Cité
- Fereydoun KHAVAND: Honorary lecturer at the Université Paris Cité
- Serge LARROQUE: Colonel
- Jean-Pierre MACHELON: Professor Emeritus, Université Paris Cité, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Law
- Robert MANSOUR: General in the Lebanese Army
- Karine M’BENGUE: Expert at the African Development Bank
- Meriem MEHADJI: Teacher at the École des Hautes Études Internationales et Politiques, Expert in cultural policies
- Christian MESTRE: University Professor, University of Strasbourg, Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Law
- Fouad NOHRA: Senior Lecturer HDR at Université Paris Cité
- Régis PASSERIEUX: Civil administrator at the Centre des Hautes Études du Ministère de l’Intérieur (CHEMI)
- Neda RAHIMABADI: Former expert to the World Health Organization
- Michel RAIMBAUD: Ambassador of France
- Eduardo RIHAN-CYPEL: Former Member of Parliament
- Jacques RAO: Advisor to the French Delegation to UNESCO
- Amina TAIBOUNI: Former financial executive at NAFTAL (SONATRACH), teacher at HEIP, lecturer at the University of Paris Cité and at the University of Paris Nanterre
- Philippe TAUZIN: Consultant in the field of international project financing
- Dionisio URTEAGA TODO:
Colonel, NATO Liaison Officer - Michel VAKALOULIS: Senior Lecturer in Political Science, University of Paris VIII
- Thierry VAUTRIN: Senior Civil Servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, former Advisor and Cabinet Director for the Secretary General