What is a MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations?
A MPA in Diplomacy and International Relations is a specialized level 7 postgraduate programme, designed to expand the knowledge of the diplomatic practices and structures. It enables diplomats to be updated about the evolution of new kinds of reflections, theories and analysis, and to interact with professional experts and university professors and researchers.
The programme offers an in-depth analysis of the multiple types of diplomacies, ranging from conventional diplomacies to non-conventional or (multi-track) and to different kinds of soft power. It emphasizes the constant link and interaction between the evolution of the international scene and the relations between diplomatic actors, through the lectures of a wide range of experienced and specialized lecturers.
A key feature of the programme is the exchange between students (participants) with already an experience in embassies or in a government administration or in an international organizations, on one hand, and professors and lecturers motivated to share their knowledge and their experience with them in order to provide them with a strong added value in terms of knowledge and expertise.
The reasons that can motivate for a MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations?
The most frequent case is the case of diplomats willing to expand their knowledge and to update it, either in their area of activity, or in other areas targeted for their foreseeable future activities.
In addition, the MPA in Diplomacy and International Relations enables non-diplomats among the public administrations officers, armed forces officers or companies senior executives to have an appropriate knowledge about diplomatic practices and applicable theories, as the latter is no more the monopoly of accredited official diplomats.
The programme offers also a wide range of knowledge of the evolution of international relations and of the global political system.
The Courses of the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
The program is taught in French with a possibility to have special classes in English to specific cohorts.
Fundamental courses
- Diplomatic Law
- Cultural Diplomacy and Soft Power
- Diplomacy and Development Assistance
- Conflicts Dynamics and Resolution
- Workshop in Diplomatic Studies
- Workshop in International Organizations
- Globalization and the New Political and Strategic Challenges
- Research Methodology
The objectives of the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations

To allow students to expand their theoretical knowledge of a wide range of methods of diplomacy in terms of both its objectives and modes of action

Provide auditors with access to an extensive network of recognized experts
The course of the year of the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
The program runs for one year. The courses are adapted to the professional constraints of executives in terms of time volume and schedule.
The courses are scheduled on a weekly basis for four months, giving priority to two afternoons (Thursday and Friday, 4.15-8:30 p.m.) as much as possible, and spreading some courses over three intensive weeks.
The next intake is for November 2024.

The research thesis for the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
The student completes the program with the presentation and defense of a MPA research thesis under the supervision of a CEDS professor. The research thesis is the essential step in the training program, insofar as it allows the student to study in-depth a theme rrelated to a diplomacy or international relations issue of his/her own interest.
Prerequisites to apply for the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
A Master 1 level degree is required, as well as four years of executive professional experience

Access requirements for the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
To enter the program, the auditor must complete an application.
The added value and opportunities offered by the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations.
The MPA programme in Diplomacy and International Relations enables the practitioners of diplomacy as well as the students coming from very different backgrounds to expand their knowledge and appropriated skills,
It discloses the multiple facets of diplomacy and the diversity of approaches of the contemporary global political landscape for a more efficient practical use of the studies in a diplomatic practice or in the expectation of public or private entities. The master thesis offers the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of study the graduate can use as a solid asset in the professional life.
The programme as a whole does provide an added value for
- The international students working in their respective diplomatic representations to be invested with more valued missions
- The diplomatic actors inside the international organizations
- The persons engaged in the development of cultural, scientific, economic diplomacies
- In support of the negotiation with or by the development assistance agencies

Tuition fees for the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
Nationals and Residents | International Candidates |
10400€ | 10890€ |
Practical information about the MPA in Diplomatic Studies and International Relations
Support for a successful curriculum
Once enrolled, the auditors receive pedagogical documents and information.
They have the opportunity to get in touch with the professors and experts and to interact with them.
They also have the possibility to choose the research topic that is the most suitable to their concerns, areas of interest or professional ambitions, within the limits of the specialization they are enrolled for.
A supervisor is appointed since the middle of the year to guide them and provide the appropriate methodological advises

Our lecturers or experts in their field.

Classes are held at :
10 Sextius Michel
75015 Paris

The premises are accessible to people with disabilities

Updated 4 September 2024