The CEDS had the honor to be partner of conferences given on the theme of Islam and Islamism in France and Europe.
Compared to the religions that have been historically established in France and in Europe for centuries, Islam is undoubtedly among the “last ones”. However, it quickly gained ground by becoming, in the space of a few decades, the second major religion in terms of quantity and the first in terms of practice (in France).
Demographic changes have made Muslims the largest religious minority on the continent. And like all the great religions that coexist in France and in Europe, Islam is anything but monolithic and has never been so throughout its historical and hegemonic development. However, it must be noted that today Islamism seems to overshadow other variants and incarnations of this religion, Sufism and traditionalism in particular.
Our conference “Islam and Islamism in France and in Europe” was therefore aimed at questioning this movement, inseparably political and religious, originally conceived by the Sublime Porte towards the end of the 19th century, with the intention of forging an Islamic modernity capable of competing with a “triumphant” Western modernity.
From a methodological point of view, this series of conferences focused on the analysis of the ideological and theological-political complexes of this plural current, its structuring and eventually its institutionalization. In the same vein, he examined its relationship with other significant developments in contemporary Islam (the issue of reforms, for example), without ever addressing the phenomenon of radicalization leading to violence that has marred its fragile reputation since the emergence of International Jihadist Organizations.
The partners of the event :
- Robert Schuman Institute
- University of Paris
- Ecole Polytechnique – Université Paris-Saclay
- University of Birmingham
- University of Montreal
- French Institute of Academic Studies
- UCLouvain
Conference schedule:
Table director: Thierry RAMBAUD, Professor of public law, Paris Descartes University and Sciences Po Paris
February 27, 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Salle des actes, Faculty of Law and Economics of the University of Paris.
10, Av. Pierre Larousse, 92240 Malakoff
Sylvie TAUSSIG and Karim IFRAK, CNRS, Paris
Presentation of the seminar issues:
The reception in contemporary constitutional law of Islamist discourses in some:
- Arab States
- Fouad NOHRA, Senior Lecturer in HRD at the University of Paris, Director of CEDS programs
Islam and secularism in Turkish politics: From Said Nursi to the AKP
Frédéric COSTE, ICP
Political Islam as a response to secular religions
Updated 27 June 2022