Q&A: all the answers to your questions

Home » The CEDS » Q&A: all the answers to your questions

We are here to answer
to all your questions

Joining a school always raises a number of questions. It is not always easy to know what the institution offers: the different courses, the admission procedures, the fees… So you must certainly have many questions in mind. This is why the CEDS wanted to take the time to answer them.
And if you want more information, please contact us directly by phone at 01 47 20 78 43 or by e-mail at the following address: contact@ceds.fr


What is the process of admission to CEDS?

The application must be made on the website www.ceds.fr. CEDS management reviews the file and provides a response within 30 days of receipt of the file. The answer is given on the platform to which the candidate has access. Once a favorable decision has been made, the candidate proceeds online with his or her administrative registration, including payment of the registration fee. You can find more information on the Admission page.

What is the typical profile to be admitted to the CEDS?

The candidate must hold a Master 2 or equivalent degree and have at least 4 years of executive professional experience for the PhD.

The candidate must have a Master’s level degree, as well as four years of executive professional experiencfor the MPA.


How are the CEDS courses scheduled?

The CEDS courses are scheduled in a way that is compatible with the participants’ professional obligations ands schedule (the courses are either concentrated in a limited number of intensive weeks or delivered after 4.00 P.M. on a weekly basis)

Tuition Fees

How much are tuition fees?

Annual tuition fees vary by program:

  • PhDs
    • 1st year: 9 500€.
    • 2nd year: 1975€ or 2220€
    • 3rd year: 1975€ or 2220€
  • The MPAs
    • 10400€ or 10890
  • Short Courses
    • Diplomatic Protocol: 1 500 €.
    • Cybersecurity Policies and Practices: 2,000€
    • Geopolitics of energy and Geostrategy: 2 000€.
    • Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies: 2,500€

Courses and Classes Flow

How does a year of classes work?

The course of a year varies according to the diploma or certification sought. The school year is built around the professional constraints of the students. You will have the possibility to follow the courses either in person on our campus in La Défense or by videoconference. The course layout is indicated on each program sheet.

Updated 27 August 2024